Can you give me some help with my story?
2015-02-07 05:36:58 UTC
There is a ruined castle that is occupied by bandits. A griffin wants this castle so he sends his wizard apprentice to kill the bandits so he can have it for himself. What sort of modifications would have to be made to the castle now that the griffin owns it? By the way the griffin in my story isn't that big compared to the castle, its just an image I found
Three answers:
2015-02-07 05:39:23 UTC
Why does it have to be a griffin? That's such a cliche character. Why just make up a different beast all together so you won't have this problem?
2015-02-07 05:54:54 UTC
Hey there, Add some secret passageways and tunnels(built by the griffin) so that the wizard can secretly enter and do his magic. also add some dogs and bats to the story
2015-02-07 06:53:19 UTC
Make sure you have a good plot with characters you can believe.

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